Originally posted by geniusI saw "Adaptation" last night. If you like to analyse the way the film was made then it was good. If you are a 30 something with all the doubts and insecurities that entails then you may enjoy it. Quite a few people didn't like it because it's not typically hollywood, and they didn't see the point & got bored. My view - it was OK, but don't bust yourself to see it (I have no idea how Meral Streep got an oscar nomination for it)
how about films-does anyone know of any good films that are out just now?
As for being bored - if your at home, get out more. If you're at work, do some. Although this thread may turn into a discussion on film, you starting an empty comversation because you are bored is spamming in my view. nb. Your move.
Another minor point - should there be an agreement that people with 2 personalities only post with one of them? I made this a rule for myself so as to avoid confusion & people thinking I was hiding behind another name.
Originally posted by belgianfreakAbsolutely.
Another minor point - should there be an agreement that people with 2 personalities only post with one of them? I made this a rule for myself so as to avoid confusion & people thinking I was hiding behind another name.
I have another username, only because when I decided to become a pawn star I wanted a different name and a clean start. But I kept using the old one occasionally.
I have posted under it by mistake a handful of times but I try not to.
Originally posted by belgianfreakokay, i'll stop posting as true genius :'(
Another minor point - should there be an agreement that people with 2 personalities only post with one of them? I made this a rule for myself so as to avoid confusion & people thinking I was hiding behind another name.