Originally posted by arrakisHe's been hired as a spy for the KGB to uncover a plot to over throw Putin. Don't tell anyone though, it's very hush hush. Should Kasparov find out i told you we'll all be for the high jump! 😲
He hasn't been here since July 6th! I miss him... 🙁
Does anybody know where he is?
Or what happened to him?
Originally posted by arrakisAnother stupid and/or redundant thread created by Arrakis.
He hasn't been here since July 6th! I miss him... 🙁
Does anybody know where he is?
Or what happened to him?
You will go into a thread called "World's Longest Thread Attempt" knowing flat out that you won't like what you see then have the gall to make a thread asking people to PM Russ to have it stopped, yet for some reason you won't even look at the "What Happened to Shavixmir?" thread about 10 threads down.
You, sir, are one silly ass person.
Originally posted by darvlayamen to that brother.
Another stupid and/or redundant thread created by Arrakis.
You will go into a thread called "World's Longest Thread Attempt" knowing flat out that you won't like what you see then have the gall to make a thread asking people to PM Russ to have it stopped, yet for some reason you won't even look at the "What Happened to Shavixmir?" thread about 10 threads down.
You, sir, are one silly ass person.
Originally posted by Bosse de NageHey I can take it as a joke but Shavixmir might get really mad (since he is my neighbour)... So next time be carefull with your posts ... Shavixmir is next to me right now and I am merely keeping him away from crushing the computer or posting something nasty to you!
So which sewer do you inhabit?