Originally posted by Bad wolf*thinks back to his first year philosophy lectures*
Chocolate comes from the cacao beans
Beans are vegetables
Sugar comes from sugar beets
And beets are vegetables
Both belong to the vegetable category.
So chocolate is a vegetable!
your argument is not valid. let's ask rene descartes for his opinion:
edwardipov: monsieur descartes, chocolate: is it a vegetable?
descartes: ah, hee-hon hee-hon, that is a tres good point monsieur. but the argument is flawed. young Mal Loup uses the formal argument A is X, and B is X, therefore C is X. je suis tres triste, monsieur edwardipov, but this argument is not valid.
e:thanks you monsieur, you may go back to your metaphysical bridge-building.