@js357 saidNice.
So to fulfill the obligation
A great voice
That’s Zoot Sims on sax.
But today I’d prefer these great voices together, both sadly now stilled in different ways.
@very-rusty saidI was when I wrote my post that you replied to 15 minutes later, asking me if I went to church.
Well it is not 5am here is is 6:44 in the evening!
Are you up at 5am?
10 Dec 18
@very-rusty saidIn fairness sir, only you know what time it is in Cloud Cuckoo Land.
Actually I don't think you did, as it wasn't 5:00 a.m. here!!! 😛
@ghost-of-a-duke saidSir, you would know the answer much better than I as you live there!!! 😛 😉
In fairness sir, only you know what time it is in Cloud Cuckoo Land.
Good boy though defending your clan leader!!! 😉
10 Dec 18
@very-rusty saidI sense much Clan envy in you...
Sir, you would know the answer much better than I as you live there!!! 😛 😉
Good boy though defending your clan leader!!! 😉
@ghost-of-a-duke saidLOL...Why would I envy your clan who hasn't won anything yet? I am on the best clan on the site...Just look at our Won Champaionships, Sir!!! 😛 😉
I sense much Clan envy in you...
You must have forgot what clan I play for...Look it up!!!! 😉