13 Dec 19
@handyandy saidYou will be happy to know I went out for my walk and got back safe and sound! 😉
Watch out ...
@very-rusty saidnow i know for SURE that this day is evil...
You will be happy to know I went out for my walk and got back safe and sound! 😉
@very-rusty saidSo you didn’t walk under a ladder then? 🤔
You will be happy to know I went out for my walk and got back safe and sound! 😉
@texasnurse saidShhhhhhh!!!
This is nothing for us in nursing working when theres a full moon and someone says the word quiet at work thats billion times worse the friday the 13th!
Don't say the Q word!!!
Better check the crash carts now. We're gonna need them! 😲
13 Dec 19
@great-big-stees saidNot today, but have on previous Friday the 13th's nothing bad ever happened. Once there was a guy painting with the can on the ladder! 😉 For some reason I'll never make an appointment for Friday the 13th! 😉
So you didn’t walk under a ladder then? 🤔
13 Dec 19
@texasnurse saidIf I do, no one on here will ever know! 😉
Be careful or you could jinx yourself
13 Dec 19
@texasnurse saidYou are in a different country, and as you know someone's medical history can't be shared! 😉 So even if you knew something and found out what my real name was, you still couldn't say anything!
You sure about that think nurses wont find out 🙂 we have our ways
13 Dec 19
@very-rusty saidYeah, Rusty's hip to HIPAA.
You are in a different country, and as you know someone's medical history can't be shared! 😉 So even if you knew something and found out what my real name was, you still couldn't say anything!
His nature is to be more informant than informational though.