All of this reminded me of a little story told by R.N.Coles...this is the
introduction to the bok "Epic Battles of the Chessboard"
I can do no better in giving my reasons for making the present
collection of games than to tell a story that occurred at a recent British
Chess Federation congress. Two moderate players were engaged in a
very complicated and exciting game, and a well-known master was
looking on. When the game finished in a draw, White said to Black, "I
enjoyed that. It was a really good game."
"Good??" interposed the master. "But white could have won a piece
nine moves ago and Black three moves later missed a forced mate in
The pieces were set up again, and the correctness of the master's
analysis was established.
"All the same it was a rattling good game" said White.
A look of pussled exasperation came over the master's face..."The
mate in six, with a queen sacrifice and a knight sacrifice-that is good
yes, but you did not see it"
"No" said Black, "And I shall never see things like that though I study
mater brillancies till the cows come come home" Then the Game is not
good?" agreed Black.."allright it was not good...but it was the most
enjoyable game I have had for months." And the Master walked away.
Winning isn't everything is all about having fun.
Captain USA
And NOT the master in the afforementioned story