Originally posted by Pianoman1Your granny was an alkie. She lived in the bottle. She had to to tolerate you running around
So why did my gran say I was the bees knees? My gram knew everything.
all over the place. She knew you were gullible, so she would string you along with
any old line and you would fall for it hook, line and sinker.
Bet she said you were cute too!! You probably believed that one as well??
Wake up to the real world.
22 Feb 12
Originally posted by shortcircuitNice....real nice. You've broken the person's Granny Bubble. I hope you're proud of youself. I can see them now, sitting in thecorner with a picture of Granny sobbing and saying "Why gran? Why would that mean man say those things about you? Why?"
Your granny was an alkie. She lived in the bottle. She had to to tolerate you running around
all over the place. She knew you were gullible, so she would string you along with
any old line and you would fall for it hook, line and sinker.
Bet she said you were cute too!! You probably believed that one as well??
Wake up to the real world.
Originally posted by Great Big SteesGranny would reply..."He is a very wise man. Listen to him you bunch of bumps on a log!!"
Nice....real nice. You've broken the person's Granny Bubble. I hope you're proud of youself. I can see them now, sitting in thecorner with a picture of Granny sobbing and saying "Why gran? Why would that mean man say those things about you? Why?"
Now leave me alone and fix me a turkey pot pie!!"
Good ol' Granny!!