Was promoting his new book on the Phil Williams Show. Quite interesting, if not too much given away.
You can find an archive of it here (later):
It'll appear as a TUE link under Phil Williams - it's in the second hour of the show.
Originally posted by rhbYou forgot the first rule of rhp dummy - the chess is just a side-show to the forums!
Was promoting his new book on the Phil Williams Show. Quite interesting, if not too much given away.
You can find an archive of it here (later):
It'll appear as a TUE link under Phil Williams - it's in the second hour of the show.
Originally posted by rhbSounds quite fascinating.
Was promoting his new book on the Phil Williams Show. Quite interesting, if not too much given away.
You can find an archive of it here (later):
It'll appear as a TUE link under Phil Williams - it's in the second hour of the show.