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Knightmare_NJ is a SISSY

Knightmare_NJ is a SISSY


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Knightmare_NJ is too much of a sissy to play me! I challenged him,
but he refused to play me. What a wuss.

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It looks like he's accepted a game against you. How many moves do
you think you'll last? You got the mouth. Let's see you make the

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<<It looks like he's accepted a game against you. How many moves
do you think you'll last? You got the mouth. Let's see you make the
moves.>> - kirksey957

He hasn't accepted the game yet. If he doesn't refuse to play me this
time, it'll be an interesting chess match! And I guarantee you, I WILL
last! 🙂 The question is... will HE last!? haha

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Had I known that you need to post remarks in the forum as to who I
play or not, I would not have accepted your game. In fact..I am
thinking of deleting it. As far as name calling goes...I would expect
that from a snot nosed kid. It seems you have a lot of growing up to
do and I for one am not here to lecture you but you should accept the
fact that not everyone you challenge is going to play. As far as a wuss
goes....check your palm....that is where you hold your wuss!!

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Paul...no need to feel bad about this...you reserve the right to accept
a game or refuse...kinda like a kid being offered a cigarette.

I always send an email to the ones that I cannot accept at the time
and tell them I am sorry and promise to play them after I get done
with some of the ones I have going....and I always keep that promise.

But like you said...name calling is inappropriate and should not be
tolerated. Especially to a person who has earned the right to sit at the
head of the table as you do.

Forget this person...delete it.


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