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last call

last call


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there is already a good representation of the top players in our
tournament. It would be nice to have most of them participating.
Therefor my last call to Dani, JavierChaca, Babe, and of course all
other players at RHP: if you want to join, you are more than welcome.
Closure tomorrow, sunday, night US time. Gilbert.

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Hello, I like to join to the tournement (living in Belgium, so ROW-
group) but I'm going on hollidays in july (3 weeks), so maybe that is
a problem. If not, you can put me on the list.

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I put you on the list. Please send an e-mail to
Julia_Somers@hotmail.com so we (ROW-team) can keep you informed
during the tournament.

The holiday thing will have to be solved for many of us, so don't worry.
Flexibility and sportsmanship will be the answer. Sin.

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Thank you for your invitation. Im interested, but Im not RHP member because Im lack of money. (My father and mother are ill, and medications are too expensive). So I can play only 6 games at same time. Regards again.

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Now you can play as many games as you want!

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Originally posted by Pirc
Now you can play as many games as you want!
Dear Pirc

Really is a great gift for me!

Regards, and write me!

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