@chris-guffogg saidThat was back in 1999. Someone had to pay some big bucks for that I am sure!
21 Nov 22
@chris-guffogg saidI presume you had some metaphor in mind?
@chris-guffogg saidNot to be Nostradamus Junior, but elsewhere I might have vaguely seemed to mention that the lunar eclipse in Taurus on the 8th (USA's election day) could indicate a fading away of the former President Cheeseburger.
@earl-of-trumps saidDear Sir, if you'd like me to give your gurney wheelers a good talking to, just say the word. 😉
Hey, bruh. I got a selfie of me falling over leaving the pub last night
@earl-of-trumps saidI wouldn't brag about that one. 🙂 😛
Hey, bruh. I got a selfie of me falling over leaving the pub last night