Bit of a strange one this. I’ve got a cupboard with lexigraph writing on it.
Someone once mentioned it probably is old Japanese or Korean, but couldn’t translate it.
When we’re not watching TV, the cupoboards closed and the writing is on the doors… and it’s bugging me to hell that I don’t know what it says.
Anyone know anybody who could translate it?
If so, please PM me.
Forever thankful,
05 Sep 22
@shavixmir saidIt says 'Close doors when television not in use.'
Bit of a strange one this. I’ve got a cupboard with lexigraph writing on it.
Someone once mentioned it probably is old Japanese or Korean, but couldn’t translate it.
When we’re not watching TV, the cupoboards closed and the writing is on the doors… and it’s bugging me to hell that I don’t know what it says.
Anyone know anybody who could translate it?
If so, please PM me.
Forever thankful,
@shavixmir saidThere are ocr (optical character recognition) apps for kanji available on the net, which you might find with a short search.
Bit of a strange one this. I’ve got a cupboard with lexigraph writing on it.
Someone once mentioned it probably is old Japanese or Korean, but couldn’t translate it.
When we’re not watching TV, the cupoboards closed and the writing is on the doors… and it’s bugging me to hell that I don’t know what it says.
Anyone know anybody who could translate it?
If so, please PM me.
Forever thankful,
I can't comment how well those work...