12 Aug 23
"All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others."
- George Orwell
12 Aug 23
Another interesting reference:
"Man serves the interests of no creature except himself."
- George Orwell
-Removed-I know you kidding around with this post but in all seriousness it is now appearing that the feminist movement has failed women and society. The pendulum has swung, reached it maximum and is now going back. Women who believed in the ideals of this movement and have put aside family life, now live in regret. While they were successful otherwise, they are alone with no real family, and left wondering if it was worth it. Nature is far stronger than these temporary social ideals. God placed in women a yearning for children, a husband and a stable family life. Without that there can be no long term happiness. Remember the prime directive from God to Adam and Eve, and also to Noah and his family ... Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, ... There are many women now who have seen what is the end result of those who made these mistakes, and they are going back to traditional roles.