considered the most difficult course in mathematics
involving real and complex analysis and abstract algebra
taught at Harvard
drop out rate around 50%
it is said that taking the course is like a full time job with 40-60 hours of homework per week
no double majors if you take math 55
I read, don't know if it's true, that if you pass the course and graduate, you must work for the government because you would be considered to dangerous to work in the private sector
Bill Gates took and passed the course but dropped out of Harvard
when I read this, my admiration for Gates went sky high
any thought?
@lemondrop saidi get wet thinking about him too
considered the most difficult course in mathematics
involving real and complex analysis and abstract algebra
taught at Harvard
drop out rate around 50%
I read, don't know if it's true, that if you pass the course and graduate, you must work for the government because you would be considered to dangerous to work in the private sector
Bill Gates took and passed the course but dropped out of Harvard
when I read this, my admiration for Gates wet sky high
any thought?
@lemondrop saidIf you believe that, you'll believe Windows 10 doesn't steal your private data.
considered the most difficult course in mathematics
Bill Gates took and passed the course but dropped out of Harvard
I've taken real analysis and abstract algebra. When you are used to applied math like differential equations, these courses can bend your mind, at first. And I can only imagine what 55 is like.
The three tech innovators that changed the world forever, Gates, Jobs, and Zuckerberg, all dropped out of university, two from Harvard.
@shallow-blue saidWhat do you mean by that?
If you believe that, you'll believe Windows 10 doesn't steal your private data.
@shallow-blue saidwhat is it that you don't believe?
If you believe that, you'll believe Windows 10 doesn't steal your private data.
@lemondrop saidI would believe anything, that's the problem. What is so specific about Windows 10?
what is it that you don't believe?
@lemondrop saidIn fact that is a Question of personal interest and Talent.
organic chemistry is considered the hardest college course and the hardest degree is architecture
this is google talking
good enough for me
Organic chemistry is not really hard in terms of intellectual height (I do have a degree in chemistry) but hard in Terms of amount of facts...
Without objectivable criteria there is no "hardest" course.
@ponderable saidNurses hate "Anatomy and Physiology". It's all fact cramming. LOTS of facts.
In fact that is a Question of personal interest and Talent.
Organic chemistry is not really hard in terms of intellectual height (I do have a degree in chemistry) but hard in Terms of amount of facts...
Without objectivable criteria there is no "hardest" course.
@ponderable saidfair enough
In fact that is a Question of personal interest and Talent.
Organic chemistry is not really hard in terms of intellectual height (I do have a degree in chemistry) but hard in Terms of amount of facts...
Without objectivable criteria there is no "hardest" course.