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Medieval Diplomacy

Medieval Diplomacy


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Many people at RHP (myself included) have played at Nationstates.com, or at Simcountry.com, which are both country management type games. Most of the people involved with those sites got tired of them and eventually left, as did I. Also, there were several people at RHP at one time that were interested in getting involved with an online version of the game Diplomacy. I've been playing at a site that might satisfy the aspirations of the Nationstates, Simcountry, and Diplomacy crowds.

Medieval Diplomacy at http://www.agegames.com/mw/ might just be the thing for any of the people who were involved in any of the other sites listed above. Nationstates.com was all style and no substance, so it became repititious and people left. Simcountry.com was too much substance and not enough style, so people became irritated with it and left. Medieval Diplomacy stikes just the right balance, I think. It's based on the classic game Diplomacy, but is set in c. 1320 Europe. Everyone in the game manages one of 23 realms, such as The Kingdom of Castile, The Duchy of Bavaria, The Byzantine Empire, etc. Each province you add to your realm increases your income which you use to build armies, fortifications, fleets, and the like. But it's the interaction with the other 22 realms that makes the game interesting. Treaties, Alliances, War, deceit, backstabbing, conquest, pillaging, everything that makes being a medieval potentate worthwhile.

The best part about the game, though, is that it doesn't put a lot of demand on your time. They do one game turn per week, so even the sluggards here should be able to adapt to that pace. Plus it's free. Of course you can pay a nominal fee which gives you greater options, but it's not necessary. There's a fair amount of detail to the game, but it's manageable. Two or three turns to get the hang of it and then you'll be conquering and pillaging with the best of them. In the game I'm playing, I'm the King of France. I'm amassing a huge army of knights and crossbowmen to invade the Kingdom of Aquitaine and add their lands to my realm.

If anyone has an interest in this sort of thing, then check it out. Maybe we can get a contingent of RHP people in a game sometime.


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Originally posted by rwingett
Many people at RHP (myself included) have played at Nationstates.com, or at Simcountry.com, which are both country management type games. Most of the people involved with those sites got tired of them and eventually left, as did I. Also, there were several people at RHP at one time that were interested in getting involved with an online version of the game ...[text shortened]... Maybe we can get a contingent of RHP people in a game sometime.

I see ...

Have you then lost utter faith in your clan at RHP (and so you should) that you escape to 'diplomacy' games elsewhere ??

Sad to see such a great leader being in tatters - First Feivel, now Bbarr and Brett L is next !!!!

Your time is over my friend, hand over the zepter and let someone worthy rule !!!



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I'd love to play, but there doesn't seem to be any way of playing it on a Mac.

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Originally posted by Acolyte
I'd love to play, but there doesn't seem to be any way of playing it on a Mac.
You are correct. I have to play it on my girlfriend's PC. :-(

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Originally posted by The Slow Pawn
I see ...

Have you then lost utter faith in your clan at RHP (and so you should) that you escape to 'diplomacy' games elsewhere ??

Sad to see such a great leader being in tatters - First Feivel, now Bbarr and Brett L is next !!!!

Your time is over my friend, hand over the zepter and let someone worthy rule !!!



Yeah, I just don't know if I'll be able to keep on going once the Metallica Clan passes us up. :'(

I think Bbarr will be back sometime in the future, though.

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Originally posted by rwingett
You are correct. I have to play it on my girlfriend's PC. :-(
After all the posts of mac supremecy, you've come to this? 😛

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Originally posted by Nyxie
After all the posts of mac supremecy, you've come to this? 😛
One day we Mac users will have justice! But for now we have to endure the heavy yoke of PC oppression.

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Originally posted by rwingett
One day we Mac users will have justice! But for now we have to endure the heavy yoke of PC oppression.
The sign will read thus : We are still developing a future that is mac compatible. I'm sure you've seen the likes before.

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Originally posted by rwingett
Yeah, I just don't know if I'll be able to keep on going once the Metallica Clan passes us up. :'(

I think Bbarr will be back sometime in the future, though.
You lost it mate ...

I'm used to cunny reply full of heat and passion for the topic ... Now all I get is a hidious smiley ???

Shame to see your wit perish like this ...


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Originally posted by The Slow Pawn
You lost it mate ...

I'm used to cunny reply full of heat and passion for the topic ... Now all I get is a hidious smiley ???

Shame to see your wit perish like this ...

Stop profaning this thread with your guttersnipe comments, you clan slave driver! It just isn't possible for an honorable leader to guide an honest clan in these sad and trouble times. You may cheat and backstab your way past us in the clan standings, but you'll never have a better clan than the Freethinkers! Never! Never! Never! 😞

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Ahh... that's better, not much but a little ...

Enjoy the few remaining days in the sun before a true leader at work will have the best team in the world formatted to smash an empire that has reigned for far too long at RHP...

Le Roi est mort, vive la Roi ...

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On the topic of Medieval Diplomacy:

It is a really well put together game. I played a round of it last year.

I dont play it anymore, however, because there is very little communication between players (Or at least was during my game), and I dont care for the troop movement (But I play tons of wargames, so I have very high expectations).

I think I just may sign up for another game, just to see if my tastes have changed. 🙂

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Originally posted by Polynikes
On the topic of Medieval Diplomacy:

It is a really well put together game. I played a round of it last year.

I dont play it anymore, however, because there is very little communication between players (Or at least was during my game), and I dont care for the troop movement (But I play tons of wargames, so I have very high expectations).

I think I just may sign up for another game, just to see if my tastes have changed. 🙂
I'm in constant communication with some of the players there. There's been all kinds of negotiating for rights to the spoils.

As it's not a wargame on the tactical level, but rather a diplomatic game on the grand strategic level, the military aspect is somewhat stylized. I think it has about the right level of detail for a game of it's nature.

If you like wargames, have you ever played at hexwar.com? They have more of the old style wargames that were championed by SPI and Avalon Hill.

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Originally posted by rwingett
I'm in constant communication with some of the players there. There's been all kinds of negotiating for rights to the spoils.

As it's not a wargame on the tactical level, but rather a diplomatic game on the grand strategic level, the military aspect is somewhat stylized. I think it has about the right level of detail for a game of it's nature.

I ...[text shortened]... xwar.com? They have more of the old style wargames that were championed by SPI and Avalon Hill.
Well, maybe I just got into a bad game then. I know that they have many games going on at the same time. Is there a way we can play in the same game? Ill wait until you are done with your current game if we can.

I have never heard of hexwar.com, but I will go and check it out for sure. I have signed up for a lot of online games, but I usually quit them after a couple of days, because I am very picky. One online game that I have played a lot is Spacetrace. It is a space stragegy game, and there is no randomness to it at all. It is very, very addicting, and I am on sabatical right now (since Saturday, lets see how long I last 😛) If you like online strategy games, you should check it out, it is well put together.

Other than that, I play a lot of board games (Axis and Allies, World in Flames, Shogun, etc). I find it hard to find the same level of enjoyment playing online games.

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