Firstly I want to apologize to my friend whom will remain unnamed due to this type of post. He will know who he is and he will understand. for this is not to be taken lightly.
How many times do we all say something that has been taken completely out of the context we meant for it to be? How often has what was typed taken to mean something derogatory or cruel or racist? How any times have each of us had to explain and examine our own posts to ensure that we typed the "right" thing?
This is what has happened. I made a comment in one of my private forums. The comment in my view was meant as a harmless truly meaningless one, except to say well done, with some sarcasm involved. Nothing more said or meant by it.
However the comment was misunderstood, taken completely out on context. I don't blame the one who took it the way he did, although I wish he understood my meaning instead of the one that he thought of.
Barring cultural differences, Why is it we all make comments that can easily mean 2 totally different things, in these forums regularly, just to cause the stirs they do? This was a friend of mine, albeit a clan/site friend, but a friend none the less. I believe truly it is because of statements made here that are easily misleading that caused this small amount of turmoil. It has since been rectified, but shouldn't have happened in the first place.
I am even willing to bet that someone here is going to make another comment that can be misleading just to show the arse. No matter though. It will be point proven.
I do know this much, I will think through every statement I make. Sadly it is shown as necessary, due to how easily people make misleading statements here.