14 Sep 20
@lemondrop saidNo, but was flashed by 5 college/university students (young ladies, meaning they pulled up their tops not wearing any bras) in their first year who had to do a bunch of silly things to belong to a certain house. I did manage to keep control of my vehicle...LOL... This happened back in the late 70's! I don't know if these things still go on or the colleges and universities put a stop to it.
have you ever been mooned?
this happened about 30 years ago
I was walking and this car pulls up, slows down
and this young lady moons me
made my day
I wouldn't mind being mooned again
the courts have ruled it protected free speech
the origins go back several hundred years
14 Sep 20
@lemondrop saidJust start one lemon! All you have to do is hit the insert poll at the bottom of your post. Then fill in what ever you wish.
maybe we could conduct a poll
would you rather be mooned or flashed?
@very-rusty saidI don't know where that is
Just start one lemon! All you have to do is hit the insert poll at the bottom of your post. Then fill in what ever you wish.
maybe rookie will help
he likes doing polls
14 Sep 20
@ponderable saidI meant to give it a Thread of its own Pondy!
It is simple enough to do.
14 Sep 20
@very-rusty saidwhy do you always want start something?
I meant to give it a Thread of its own Pondy!
It is simple enough to do.
how was he supposed to know what you meant?
@lemondrop saidActually I think he did and put it in here to show you how it was done no big deal really! 😉
why do you always want start something?
how was he supposed to know what you meant?
Do you now know how to do it is the big question? 😉
@very-rusty saidno I don't
Actually I think he did and put it in here to show you how it was done no big deal really! 😉
Do you now know how to do it is the big question? 😉
14 Sep 20
@lemondrop saidHit Quote button scroll down and you will see insert poll.
no I don't
You could do the same with New Thread scroll down and set up your poll, it is easy.
@very-rusty saidgot it
Hit Quote button scroll down and you will see insert poll.