If by your name you have a star
It doesn't show how good you are
It just means that you've joined the fight
With fellow Pawn Stars on this site
To keep the flames all burning bright
Oh! how we'd moan and how we'd mourn
If we ever lost our Red Hot Pawn
So all you starless folk out there
Show Chris and Russ you really care
It's really easy and here's how...
Just click the Pawn Stars link right now!
Actually it's come to me a blinding flash of inspiration - like when you
realise you shouldn't have left your queen there after all....
I think RHP is as good a title as any with the P standing for poet.
RHP (Red Hot Poet)
So now I have a title
For now I've only one
I'll never have as many
as my USA friend - John
It seems that every time I look
He's gone and got another
He really is an STL
That's 'Silly Title Lover' ;-)