"Messenger" is microsofts attempt at "direct messaging" between you and others on line who share a "subscription" to a group. It doesn't work and people are able to trash you with spam. The worst of it is that even by going to windows control panel and uninstalling it as a windows service, it keeps coming back unless you know how to hack the registry. I tried twice but ended up killing the op system. It's just another example of really poor design by microtrash inc... fdisk is the only good program microsoft ever published, and it is the backbone of their system.
MSN works great for me, and its a major way of me keeping in touch with friends now that I'm in a different country.
I've never had any spam messages - maybe because it's registered to a hotmail account I never use so noone gets a record that is exists unless I give it to them?
And as for turning the sound of, I haven't tried. Sorry.
Originally posted by geniusIt works like all things created by microsoft BADLY.
does anyone else have this? and does anyone know if you can turn the sound off it? cause i listen to music on my computer while i'm on, cept people keep on sending me messages like /sdoh and /shello which incluse sounds and they get sooooooo irritating...😛
About msn for people who got win xp or win 2000 and have a flood of spam poping up while they're on the net, there's the solution:
You got to set the messenger service off
Setting->control panel->administrative tools->services->(double click)Messenger
On the "general" tab click on the "stop" button and you won't have any problem of spam from your msn
messenger is a old windows nt service of messaging over a network called net send. The spammers use net send with your ip to send you anoying windows.
Hope that's gonna help some peoples....
Originally posted by trekkieI agree with you... Windows is not the best OS available. I hope that someday I will be able to put Mac OS on my pc but until then if you really don't like microsoft products, put Linux on your pc instead of buying a Mac! You'll get a very strong OS with "all the power" of a pc for about half the price of G4 two times less faster.
"All the power" in a PC is wasted running huge overhead from crap microsoft OS.