I recently studied these forerunners to MMORPGs (such as World of Warcraft) and virtual words (such as Second Life, Habbo and Club Penguin). In particular I read quite a bit about Habitat, the MUD that ran on the Commodore 64 and was sometimes called a Multiple Undergraduate Destroyer, for obvious reasons.
Are there any people here who played Habitat, or who maintain an presence in an MMORPG or virtual world? How does it differ as a psychological experience to taking part in the RHP forums or using your preferred social networking website? What have you gained, what do you wish you had done differently or hadn't done at all, what sort of problems have you run into? What do you think are the main benefits and drawbacks of these virtual- or game-world experiences?
Thanks in advance for any replies. If any of them are sufficiently interesting I may cite you in any academic paper I write on the subject.
If you want to reply, but don't want to share it in the public forums send me a PM and I will give you my email address.
Originally posted by SeitseWhat a complete doorstop.
Sorry, can't help, I'm not a virgin any longer.
Yeah, reinforce the "people who play MMOs are socially backward and have no lives, probably have never had sex, living as they do in Mom's basement eating Cheetos all day" meme.
Whatever makes you feel better about yourself, I guess.
I've been playing MMOs for about 15 or 16 years now, and I assure you, I'm no virgin and I own my own home.