Originally posted by skeeterI always thought that was an Apres Match sketch...which came first?
The 'original' in case peps are having trouble following this thread :
...and footy version, which I think is better. Check 'snake' as the goalie with a fag !! Too funny.
edit - forgot the links - duh !
Originally posted by skeeterThe self serving pretentious part that would rather take the piss than answer a question.
In my first post, just what part of [b]"original" did you not understand ??
I checked the "original", and found nothing to show one to be the predecesor to the other. Thanks for reaffirming my opinion of mankind.
Originally posted by huckleberryhoundThe link you gave has this as this as a description: "The Panel does showbiz, they hold up stuff and music is played. Parody of the Badger Badger video. See what you make of it. Enjoy."
I always thought that was an Apres Match sketch...which came first?