17 Aug 16
Come join the Music Club 368 and join in a very interesting new game created by @The-lost-player called musical chess in the forum!
Originally posted by DukeOfEuphonyMaybe you could elaborate on that game to cretae more interest?
Come join the Music Club 368 and join in a very interesting new game created by @The-lost-player called musical chess in the forum!
Originally posted by PonderableHere are the original rules by @The-lost-player
Maybe you could elaborate on that game to cretae more interest?
Musical chess is a new fun game.
First introducing 7 chess pieces into musical form with points.
A= Rook (5 point)
C=Pawn (1 point)
D= Queen (9 point)
E= Knight (3 point)
F= Bishop (black square) (3 point)
G= Bishop (white square) (3 point)
1. Game will start from moving C. Normal sequence of game is C,D,E,F,G,A,B,C and so on.
2. White and black both are separately follow their sequences. Any disturbance in sequence will not disturb to opponent sequence.
3. C can be move any time but not just after C itself. It means C can be move in between sequence of D,E,F,G,A,B but not after C. After moving C normal sequence will be again follow. For example if after moving D, C is moved then E will be moved next time. Again after E, A or F anyone can be moved.But if C is moved after B then D will be moved in next move.
4. If any team player will not follow the sequence then his team will get penalty of -1 point.
5. If any piece is died or blocked then automatically next movable piece of normal sequence will be consider for penalty.
6. If king will be force to move while not in sequence then there will be penalty of -1 is applicable.
7. If any opponent piece is killed in game then point will be awarded according to rank of that died piece.
8. If any cycle of normal sequence is completed successfully without any penalty or without moving additional C in between normal sequence then 7 bonus points will be awarded. Sequence will be count completed when same piece will move again after completing cycle.
9. If opponent are checkmated then 50 points will be awarded.
10. Winner will be decided by calculating total points after completing the game.