About a week ago I realized five dead bees lying on the back ledge, under the back window. Yesterday, in the same place, was a perfect dragonfly specimen. This morning, for the second time, I had to deal with a full spider web across the driver seat, with the spider sitting pretty right in the middle.
Originally posted by CoconutAmazing. I'm coming over right now to verify this outrageous claim.
About a week ago I realized five dead bees lying on the back ledge, under the back window. Yesterday, in the same place, was a perfect dragonfly specimen. This morning, for the second time, I had to deal with a full spider web across the driver seat, with the spider sitting pretty right in the middle.
Originally posted by CoconutGet a chameleon. It's hard to notice and it cleans the insects.
About a week ago I realized five dead bees lying on the back ledge, under the back window. Yesterday, in the same place, was a perfect dragonfly specimen. This morning, for the second time, I had to deal with a full spider web across the driver seat, with the spider sitting pretty right in the middle.