I do wish all would help support the site and pay the measly $20 to
get it.
But with times as they are...I know money is tight for all families...well
maybe not the Gates family...but I know it is around here.
But yes...I am trying to get back up there...and Gil has made leaps
and bounds.
Hopefully my losing streak as of late won't continue...I just have to try
harder I guess.
USA Captain
And one more time...Way to go Paul!!!!!!!!!
I'm happy to see the #1 Rated Player is respected by other
members at RHP. Happy to have you sit at the top of the Rating
Ladder. It is nice at #1. My spot is a little easier to defend than yours
The Ambassador
Little Grasshopper
King Of MAP
Most Titled Player
Asst. Captain Team USA
PS KnightmareNJ is King OF Highest Rated Players (King of HRP)
Thanks everyone for the pat on the back 🙂 I am quite surprised that I
am where I am. There are alot of decent players here and I enjoy the
many hard fought games I have played with you. Some of the games
have made my eyes glaze over after staring at the screen so long
trying to figure out what to do. Dont forget thou if xeno and baron as
well as others have not dropped out and let their games TO than I
would only be somewhere in the middle of the pack. Like I have said
to Capt. Dave...trouble with #1 is...only place to go is down! Thanks
again ....Paul