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New Rebel for soon to be king Rhymester

New Rebel for soon to be king Rhymester


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New Rebel for soon to be king Rhymester

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Ooops I forgot to make a post...
Lord Rhymester please accept my weapon as yours in the gruelling
battle againt my treacherous father the EVIL king Vaknso... I take my
crown off as the prince of this evil world and offer my services to you
upon your return

Your Loyal Follower
Prince Jason

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Say it ain't so...say it ain't so!!


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What's the deal? Did you get cut out of the will? Oh, man, I can't wait
for the sites to be updated. Kirk

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Knight what should we do to a traitor? We shall soon see, on the Web
site. I think Rhymester will handle the ex-prince of MAP. He despises
traitors of any sort. He will recognize that a traitor once is easily a
traitor twice.
If Rhymester does not take care of the traitor. I will take matter into
my own hands..
King of MAP

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Did our great king Vaknso hurt the valiant Prince Genie? Lets see
maybe Vaknso Grounded him for staying out to late or maybe the fact
that Vaknso gets all the glory while Prince Genie sits and gets nothing?

Whatever the reasoning behind you turning Prince, remember that you
will forever be our loved and cared for Prince Geniejml


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Welcome Jason. Rhymester's other minions are Rob (rwingett), and
his band of crack elite raccoons and me, plus Bob the squirrel, and his
army of squirrels.

My question to you is what small furry mammal (keep it clean ;o)) can
you bring to the party, erm, I mean war? It wouldn't be a mole would
it? ;o)

Minion of Rhymester

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I like to join Rhymester's army.
My kids call me elephant (has something to do with my belly I
suppose). Also there's a cartoon in Hollandabout "Otto the elephant"


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