Hello all,
I would be most appreciative if anyone with a few moments would go to http://www.terryruscin.com and have a look around. Let me know if you see any glaring design errors or if any of the functions do not work. If any of you are using a Mac, I would especially appreciate feedback from you.
~ Cheshire Cat 😀
Firefox XP Home SP2 Screen Res 1024 x 768
I have some comments for you - I have taken a screenprint for my first - please PM me your email address if you'd like to see it.
All I saw at first was the four links at the top left of the page and a lot of yellow/beige space to the right. When I scrolled down I got to content. If I click any of the four links at the top left, the page content changes but I only see this when I scroll down.
Personally I'd make the top of page links a smaller font, and have them as a banner (easily done as a table) running across the top of the page (not sure if this is what you expected anyway?)
On the content, I think there is too much text. The general web browsing public is lazy and tend to want the info to be punchier. It was only on my third scan of the text I realised this site is trying to sell something! The most succesful sales sites will reach out and hit you on the nose with their sales pitch as soon as you get on the page (as annoying as that can be at times, it can be done well).
If all the text is necessary you could split it down into columns (like newspapers do). This is apparently easier to read (there is an optimum width, I keep being told this at work but always forget the width).
Nice pictures and good layout once I got to them, but too many clicks to get to them. Possibly bring them up a few levels so it is not such a journey to get there (maybe aim for a two click navigation rule once entering the site?).
As it looks to be a fairly targeted site, try piloting it on some known targets - afterall, they are your customers so you need to make sure it is pitched right at their needs to maximise impact and repeat traffic. You still need to balance their aesthetic requirements with a need to have the equivalent of a 'buy now' button flashing somewhere prominent though.
Hope this helps for starters (if it does, a beer'll do thanks) - good luck. Happy to look at future versions. 🙂
Originally posted by Cheshire CatIf you don't mind me asking, who's Terry Ruscin?
Hello all,
I would be most appreciative if anyone with a few moments would go to http://www.terryruscin.com and have a look around. Let me know if you see any glaring design errors or if any of the functions do not work. If any of you are using a Mac, I would especially appreciate feedback from you.
~ Cheshire Cat 😀