"no title" game 2 (for drewnogal)"
"no title" game 2 (for drewnogal)" is presented in honor of drewnogal (a one of a kind gal we've all come to know and love). this brand new word association game will hopefully appeal to all site members who enjoy 'genuine conversation' as well as to wag only experts who may also need a little tlc. each posted word must begin with the next alphabetically sequenced letter in her nickname. as follows: appealing, dance, embrace, gorgeous, listen, necklace, often, risqué, wabbit || apple d___
d r e w n o g a l = 9 letters
w = 9 letters
the object of "no title" game 2 (for drewnogal)" is to please her before eventually failing. good times for all. (gb)
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Originally posted by TygertHi, Tygert. Thank you for asking. Yesterday, June 21, "Longest Day of The Year", was the date of our wedding in Fitzwilliam Green, New Hampshire many years ago. That date appears in my RHP Forum Settings Information (to the far left of any gb post). A second date, January, 2003, also shows in the same location. That was when Evelyn departed from this life in California. God knows, I miss her still.... Bobby
Why is your avatar of a tombstone?