27 Feb 09
The "Trevgate" thread was the first example of a new phenomena I alone have discovered and I alone have insight into - "Thread-Rapture". I too have been a victim of this disturbing experience.
THREAD-RAPTURE is when a thread is mysteryously dissapears without satisfactory explanation from the Mods and causes innocent posters (such as Trev) to suffer much angst.
Mods claim responsibility in a conspirisy to cover their impotency. It is god himself bringing home those threads whch are too good to be allowed to remain in a tormented forum.
Originally posted by divegeesterYou have about 3 minutes to edit your title.
The "Trevgate" thread was the first example of a new phenomena I alone have discovered and I alone have insight into - "Thread-Rapture". I too have been a victim of this disturbing experience.
THREAD-RAPTURE is when a thread is mysteryously dissapears without satisfactory explanation from the Mods and causes innocent posters (such as Trev) to suffer ...[text shortened]... bringing home those threads whch are too good to be allowed to remain in a tormented forum.