for those who have an interest there is a new site that
can replace twitter if you have such a mind to.
"Parler (meant to be pronounced “par-lay” as in the French word for “speak,” but abandoned in favor of the English pronunciation) launched as a "free-speech" alternative to Twitter. It allows up to 1,000 characters in a post compared to 280 on Twitter."
You can expect other new platforms to do the same.
Social Media is becoming censored which is unfortunate because the people using those websites is what made them big and now they want to censor it.
Sometimes for good reason but to censor it because it doesn't fit your political ideal is ridiculous.
All websites come and go and none last forever and I expect the next big thing will be free speech with no censorship within reason.
@mister-moggy saidWhat is parlay in French?
for those who have an interest there is a new site that
can replace twitter if you have such a mind to.
"Parler (meant to be pronounced “par-lay” as in the French word for “speak,” but abandoned in favor of the English pronunciation) launched as a "free-speech" alternative to Twitter. It allows up to 1,000 characters in a post compared to 280 on Twitter."
Parlay, which is a mostly American word, comes from the earlier gaming term paroli, which has French and Italian origins. 1 Parley comes from French, where the verb parler means to speak.
French would say: Parlez-Vous Francais? Do you speak french?
@mister-moggy saidTwitter isn't biased.
for those who have an interest there is a new site that
can replace twitter if you have such a mind to.
"Parler (meant to be pronounced “par-lay” as in the French word for “speak,” but abandoned in favor of the English pronunciation) launched as a "free-speech" alternative to Twitter. It allows up to 1,000 characters in a post compared to 280 on Twitter."
Anyone can get on there and spout all the non-interesting crap they can type.
Hate speech is different. A social platform, if it's to be responsible, should do its part to limit hate speech.
@patzering saidRight wing politics is pro-money and anti-life.
...said the girl who hates right wing politics.
Right-wing politics IS hate.