In case you haven't ever seen these, you will find a collection of pictures taken at some of the RHP meetups from the good old days of early RHP comradery. (sp?)
There were also two US meetups if I'm not mistaken, and I have seen pictures from those, but I can no longer find any of them. They were held at Philabit's home if I remember correctly, and some of the currently active members were there.
There also used to be a website that had a collection of pictures of members called "RHP Faces", which I can no longer find.
RHP Faces was hosted by one of the RHP members on their own website, and I kind of remember it was someone is South Africa. I think their site was mainly something to do with horse racing, but they gathered and organized the 'faces' pictures on there also, but eventually took it down. Maybe there were some privacy issues involved. It was a nice idea at the time.
I don't know who put up the US meet-up pictures. Maybe it was Philabit? Anyway, I guess it's gone for good.
-Removed-I don't know much about this, but doesn't 'dropbox' have some sort of option where you can upload pix, then share a password or something so others can access them? Or perhaps it's "photobucket". Maybe someone who knows more about it can come up with an idea. I know we can add pictures to our own profile page, which I have currently done.