Here I am, just sitting at the computer at work again, pondering the moment when I will be active again. Since I am unable to leave my desk, and search for more things to do, I sit and I ponder.
Many things come into the mind when it has nothing better to do but think. For instance, What makes someone just sit around and think? What all could they be thinking about? I wonder if he/she should just write down all the thoughts going through their head? Can any of those thoughts make any sense to anyone else? I wonder if anyone would even want to know about those thoughts at all? What is the difference between hearing voices and just your own double-talk? Where is the real Waldo?
It is with or without question, that this is a post that really has nothing to do about anything, as I sit here, stuck at my desk, very bored.
But I digress.
If we were to give everyone the opportunity to randomly select and analyze their thoughts, what would you really come up with? Would one thought lead others to thinking about that thought? will anyone create a different thought instead? How many would go on by ignoring their own thoughts or not be willing to share what they are thinking about? Why must we have gravity? Besides needing it to stay put. Why must we continue to move forward, when alot of reconize the past as the "good old days"?
Blunders are a part of life, as they are in a game. So why can't we play life like a game? Oh nevermind Milton Bradley already createsd that one.
If we were to randomly selct a number between 1 and 9,999,999,999 , how many of us would select the same number I would? Where is the genius level really at? Why must we all have a favorite color? Is black and white really colors at all? and what about grey?
Onward still.....
What is real job security? How much money must you make before you are considered rich? Why can't those rich people just give me some? Could they consider a charitable donation? I'm still wondering where the real Waldo is at?
What would be the legality of creating a book of the best posted threads at RHP would be? Would you need to goto every country that every player that posted a thread or reply and get permission? Would anyone ever buy the book? why can't I just get 1 thought down pat first?
I here all the time the statement of "we live in a society that....", well who says I live in society? Why can't I live in the pasture? away from society, with the cattle. Would that be considered a society too?
I told you the mind was wondering!
How many people had everything I have posted in this thread thus far? How many people have gone through an exceptionly long thread and read every single post? Who gives out the most recs? Why? Has anyone else wondered the same thing as well? Can true peace be obtained if it can't be found at a chess site?
What do you want to achieve more of, fame or money? If your fame was for doing something horrible, would you still want to be known for it? If (whatever your currency is) extremely large sum money was found by you, and the proper owners name was known, would you still return it? Has this thread really gotten to long yet?
I continue on though....
Why hasn't there been a thread for anything you want to think about yet? Is the Idea to dumb? or has no one been creative enough to think about it. Has the idea been done, and I missed it? Maybe it was worded differently.
What will ever become of the space program? Will we ever be able to visit other planets? What about the life on other planets theory? Will it ever be proven true?
Well thats enough if this nonsense for now. Maybe later I will add something to it. but nothing comes to mind right now.