...when it comes to the world of duvet covers, quilt covers, call them
what you will, I think it's fair to say that I'm pretty happy go lucky.
For instance, I won't discriminate against someone with a novelty
Simpsons one. Hell, I'd probably shake their hand if that's what they
had. Nor indeed have I ever been particularly worried or concerned
about the blue with white detail cover (with matching curtains, oh yes,
I just know you wanted to know that) I've used for the last 16 years
(it's even been washed several times too).
But moving into a new flat/appartment brings new challenges. No
longer is my night time habitat a single bed, nooo, now I can rest my
weary head upon soft plump pillows which themselves rest upon a
rather comfortable double bed.
I think it's fair to say that sleep is an activity enjoyed by many (even
if it's something which I don't do as much as I would like), as well, of
course, as the other very enjoyable bed related activity (even if it's
something which I don't do as mu....ahem).
Ergo, a nice, comfortable bed is something which is important, but
would not necessarily be something which one becomes obsessive
After purchasing a marvellous (and somewhat expensive) duck feather
duvet I set about buying a cover. You know, to cover it.
Sitting on the floor of my new premises are four (count 'em....FOUR)
different duvet covers. Two more were returned to their respective
shops yesterday on account of me not liking them. Different prices,
different designs, different colours, different materials. Approximately
150 - 200 others seen in shops were dismissed immediately on
account of me having extremely (worryingly) strong feelings of "oooh,
that is a nasty duvet cover, bad cover, bad...I definitely don't want
There is one. One which I quite like. Heck, I might even be inclined to
go crazy and say I like it a lot. But this has come after searching for a
duvet cover in about six or seven different shops in Swansea, a similar
number of shops in Manchester, and a similar number of shops in
Exeter. Expense held me back from buying none of them. Any
decision on whether I wanted a particular cover or not rested solely on
whether I liked it or not.
Now tell me, good people of RHP, is the duvet cover world sorely
lacking in any good duvet covers? Or have I simply become overly
picky and fussy for little or no point? Is a duvet cover just something
which can be bought easily, or do you shop around and find one you
like, and keep shopping *until* you find one you like? What is your
duvet cover like? What is it made from? Are you happy with it?
The Duvet Shopper
PS Would just like to add something. Not one second went by during
my travels and troubles where I became so immersed that I forgot
that some people don't have duvets (no jokes about sheets either
please(!)). Indeed, some don't even have a bed or roof with which to
house themselves let alone their covers.
Despite the impression my posts may give sometimes (cross-
reference "to beard or not to beard"😉 I am grounded in the sad
unfortunate reality of the world as much as the next person.
Have you considered not using a duvet? For the entirety of my
childhood life I always had a strong propensity to sleeping à la duvet.
Current circumstances have demanded that I change my habits,
forcing me to sleep with sheet and blanket. A ma grande surprise, I
have grown to prefer this duo of blanket and sheet over that of duvet
and duvet cover. I urge you too to give it a go and be pleasently
You mean, to actually go without a duvet?! Seems a bit deviant. I
mean, I've grown up with a duvet, all I've ever known is a duvet.
Hmmm. More to the point, and away from cloud cuckoo land, is that
two weeks ago I forked out for a very nice, very expensive, very
pleasing duvet costing shedloads of pennies.
Although, having said that, sheets and blankets...maybe I'll give it a
try, it dispenses with the need for a duvet cover certainly. I thank you
for your suggestion :o)
Still thinking about the vampire squirrel that attacked people and was
then shot. Do I still love squirrels? Oh the self doubt :o(
I think you need to chill, its a douvet cover - not a new car ;0). My
advice is go to Tesco's and pick up a couple of covers in colours that
suit the room. Whatever you buy now, however expensive it is, nice it
is, comfortable it is... you will always find something better once you
have purchased. Unless of course you could find a squirrel cover.
Aye, I agree that it's not the same as buying a new car, but does not
the principle remain the same? I don't like spending money really so
whether I'm spending thousands on a car, or tens on a duvet, I want
to get something that I like.
Thinking about it I suppose I am fussy. Even just buying something
like cutlery I look to get something that is absolutely good value for
money and that I really like. Do you (impersonal) just settle for
Should you accept a duvet cover or for that matter anything if you are
slightly less than enthused about it? Especially if it is costing a not
inconsiderable amount of money?
The Squirrel Lover
Value for money is very important.It is also important that you do not
sleep with just anything.Do not allow things in to your bed,especially
on top of you if you are not completely satisfied with its
Trying to recall the colour of his duvet........trying to recall whether he
owns one.....and then the bed,oh and I just gave you my knight on a
plate Mark.....now where was I......