Originally posted by moveitgudtRo, ro, ro din båt,
Row..., row..., row your boat...
Gently... down... the stream.........
Merrily..., merrily..., merrily....merrily...
Happy New Year to ALL! ***
Ta din åre fatt!
Vuggende, vuggende, vuggende, vuggende
Over Kattegatt.
Ring around the roses
a pocket full of posies
ashes ashes
we all fall down
(it's about the black plague of the 14th century)
Rub a dub dub
Three men in a tub
(I don't even want to think about where that's going)
Mary had a little lamb
Little lamb
Little lamb
Mary had a little lamb
(the Birth of Jesus, of course - soon to be followed by the sacrificial lamb)
Mary Mary
Quite contrary
How does your garden grow
(the imprisoned and murdered Mary, Queen of Scots)
Do I have any of these wrong? Let's change the subject.
Originally posted by coquetteMary had a little lamb.
Ring around the roses
a pocket full of posies
ashes ashes
we all fall down
(it's about the black plague of the 14th century)
Rub a dub dub
Three men in a tub
(I don't even want to think about where that's going)
Mary had a little lamb
Little lamb
Little lamb
Mary had a little lamb
(the Birth of Jesus, of course - soon to be followed by the s ...[text shortened]... nd murdered Mary, Queen of Scots)
Do I have any of these wrong? Let's change the subject.
She thought it quite so silly.
She threw it up
In the air
And caught it by it's.....
Willie was a guard dog
Sitting by a fence.
Along came a bee
and stung him up the.....
Asssk no questions.
Tell no lies.
This is the end
Of the nursery ryhmes.