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Open invites


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OK this may be a dumb question but I need some clarification and this may be helpful to others. When there is an open inivte and the person doing the inviting has something like: >1700 for the paremeters, does that mean up to 1700 or greater than 1700?

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Originally posted by kirksey957
OK this may be a dumb question but I need some clarification and this may be helpful to others. When there is an open inivte and the person doing the inviting has something like: >1700 for the paremeters, does that mean up to 1700 or greater than 1700?
never tried a limit myself, but mathematically it would mean the latter.

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Originally posted by kirksey957
OK this may be a dumb question but I need some clarification and this may be helpful to others. When there is an open inivte and the person doing the inviting has something like: >1700 for the paremeters, does that mean up to 1700 or greater than 1700?
I guess it means 1700+...........

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Originally posted by Ravello
I guess it means 1700+...........
There's no guessing. It is true 😀

Some explanation on the use of the < and > signs: The side of such a sign a number is on, notates whether this number is at the top or bottom end of the rating range. Hereby the sides notate: small < large, bottom < top. So:

< 1700, 1700 >: 1700 is at the top end, so all ratings under 1700 are accepted.
> 1700, 1700 <: 1700 is at the bottom end, so all ratings above 1700 are accepted.

A combination can be used:
>1200, <1400 means a rating between 1200 and 1400.

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