Hello everyone!
My name is John and I'm currently in Grad School getting my masters in Graphic Design. School's ending this year, and I've been busying myself with alot of side-projects in alot of different areas to 'get the word out'. One of my side projects is a flash site that would include a deep (though because of technical issues, not terribly broad) overview of chess openings. The program would allow you to see moves in real time and alter variations on the fly.
Sadly, I don't have the biggest staff to do data entry, so for the first Edition of the program, I'd like to include what could be called the "must know" opening moves that every player should have under their belt, or at the very least, opening moves that are of curious tactical/historical interest.
And this is where you all come in. I have a small list of opening moves I am thinking of including. But I'd like all of your learned opinions on what to include or exclude. The list is as follows:
King’s Gambit
Accepted – Traditional (Philidor) Gambit
Falkbeer Counter Gambit (Keres Variation)
Vienna Game
*Classic Vienna Game
Pierce Gambit
Hampe Allgaier Gambit
Ruy Lopez
Cordel’s (Classical) Defense
Berlin Defense
Schliemann Defense
Advanced Variation
Two Knights
Sicilian Defense
French Defense
*Queen’s Pawn*
Queen’s Gambit
Gambit Declined
*Indian Defense*
Queen’s Indian Defense
King’s Indian Defense
*Flank Openings*
Reti-Opening Classical
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. The project is slated to be finished by the '05 summer. As soon as it's done, you'll be the first to know.
Thank you so much in advance for your advice and knowledge in this subject. I really appreciate it!
--John 'The Wingless' Burnett