Are you one of those people that run to a packed elevator and stick your arm in the doorway just as the door is closing so that you can jam your way into the elevator rather than just waiting 30 seconds for the next one?
Do you have any idea what kind of a lazy tit-tickler everyone on the elevator thinks you are?
Next time, take the next one.
I recognize that I feel ashamed of using elevators. Any healthy person should use the stairs, it doesn't matter to which floor you're going.
What I do in order to conceal my shame, is to limp, pretending to have some sort of leg injury, and then people look at me in an empathic way, even if I use the lift for one floor... down.
Originally posted by uzlessWho cares what other people think - life is full of ups and downs
Are you one of those people that run to a packed elevator and stick your arm in the doorway just as the door is closing so that you can jam your way into the elevator rather than just waiting 30 seconds for the next one?
Do you have any idea what kind of a lazy tit-tickler everyone on the elevator thinks of you?
Next time, take the next one.
Originally posted by uzlessRecently, I've been doing this with my baby's stroller, pushing the whole stroller into the elevator blindly and mashing the hapless vitims trapped inside. I typicially finish them off with a good, paint peeling fart.
Are you one of those people that run to a packed elevator and stick your arm in the doorway just as the door is closing so that you can jam your way into the elevator rather than just waiting 30 seconds for the next one?
Do you have any idea what kind of a lazy tit-tickler everyone on the elevator thinks you are?
Next time, take the next one.
Originally posted by uzlessHELL NO. I avoid taking elevators with other people if possible or use stairs. Avoiding people is something I do well.
Are you one of those people that run to a packed elevator and stick your arm in the doorway just as the door is closing so that you can jam your way into the elevator rather than just waiting 30 seconds for the next one?
Do you have any idea what kind of a lazy tit-tickler everyone on the elevator thinks you are?
Next time, take the next one.
Originally posted by SeitseI´m pretty sure you made that up because unless you are actually carry crutches people with a limp are immediately labeled alcoholic, drug addict or violent axe murderer and shunned like the plague. However, this doesn´t apply if you are with some non-limping person (even if they are an alcoholic, drug addict or violent axe murderer). Other means of softening the suspicious looks a limping person gets are a) carrying a newspaper or b) hanging some good quality sun glasses in the neck of your T shirt or top. I have a theory that these work because you can´t possibly be a drunken, spaced out, dribbling moron returning, bloodstained from a fight if you have kept your sunnies hanging from your neck and/or have kept hold of your newspaper.
I recognize that I feel ashamed of using elevators. Any healthy person should use the stairs, it doesn't matter to which floor you're going.
What I do in order to conceal my shame, is to limp, pretending to have some sort of leg injury, and then people look at me in an empathic way, even if I use the lift for one floor... down.
Did I mention I have a sports injury at the moment?