Ever wonder what the meaning of life is. Either from a philosophical perspective or religious or whatever. Ever wonder why am I here. What is my purpose???. Was I placed here to solely play bad chess on red hot pawn. What are points that make your life. What are things that have told you that you have made it that you are a success. What are some points that tell you have fallen flat on your face. Ever been afraid to get out of bed in the morning, for fear of something unfamilar. How can you prove that you are even here at all??? Does the ability to think make you who you are and separates you from the animals. You think therefore you are??? What makes this world tangible and real for you? How do you know that you are not having some weird twisted dream. or are you the subject of someone elses dream. Again how do we know and how can we prove it. Ever feel like someone is controling you like you are at the end of some strings and someone is pulling them just like a marienette. Are you in control? Is someone else???Does what you see become your reality? And therefore make everything you dont see not real??? Are we some kind of power source feeding some kind of evil machine constantly to believe that we are living a happy existence, when we are actually asleep or never conscious. Am I as a freethinking man supposed to believe that the world is as it is and can never change and therefore I have no means to better myself. Do I come from the great beyond. Was i hatched from an egg or carried on the back of some large stork and delivered to my unseuspecting parents. Did I have a monkey for an uncle with a very hairy back side who walked on all fours. Am i required to club a perspective mate over the head and drag her back to my cave. Would this be looked down upon??? Was Puff the name of Jackie Paper's magical dragon or some twisted mans percepton of smoking the weed.
I know this all seems rather strange to be asking all of these questions but this is where I have been thinking about all day and i just had to clear my mind. Please list any and all of your weird and twisted thoughts. Perhaps Bennett was right maybe i do need counceling???
Ever wonder what the meaning of life is. Either from a philosophical perspective or religious or whatever. Ever wonder why am I here. What is my purpose???
I don't think there is a "meaning" or a "purpose." We're just here. Do what you want with your life within your capabilities or die. There's nothing profound about it.
What are things that have told you that you have made it that you are a success.
If I am happy on a deep level, I am a success.
What are some points that tell you have fallen flat on your face.
If I'm not reasonably happy, then there's a problem.
How can you prove that you are even here at all???
The sense of existing is what I am. I can't be sure there's anything else, but I absolutely know I exist. I am the sensation of being me. Well my perceptions also exist.
Does the ability to think make you who you are and separates you from the animals.
No. I am not "separate from the animals." I am an animal too.
What makes this world tangible and real for you?
My perceptions are what the world is to me. I see a monitor in front of me. That perception is what a monitor is.
How do you know that you are not having some weird twisted dream.
I don't.
or are you the subject of someone elses dream.
I probably am the subject of others' dreams on occasion, but I don't think that's what you mean. Is my existence dependent on someone else dreaming about me? I don't know.
Ever feel like someone is controling you like you are at the end of some strings and someone is pulling them just like a marienette.
Yes. I don't necessarily believe in free will.
Are you in control?
Hard question to answer. I am not totally in control. This is obvious, because I can't make an elephant appear in front of me right now and rampage throughout the room. I can make choices, but maybe those choices are controlled by an outside source, like God, or simply the physical laws of the universe. In this case both I and the outside source are in control of those decisions, unless I am torn and make decisions that on some level I don't want to make - then I am partially in control, and the outside agency is totally in control.
Does what you see become your reality? And therefore make everything you dont see not real???
I know that what I percieve exists. I don't know what else exists.
Are we some kind of power source feeding some kind of evil machine constantly to believe that we are living a happy existence, when we are actually asleep or never conscious.
Am I as a freethinking man supposed to believe that the world is as it is and can never change and therefore I have no means to better myself.
You aren't "supposed" to think anything. Supposed according to who? The world will change. Whether you can better yourself depends on what you mean by better yourself. I think that it's almost certainly true that you can better yourself.
Do I come from the great beyond.
What is the great beyond?
Was i hatched from an egg or carried on the back of some large stork and delivered to my unseuspecting parents. Did I have a monkey for an uncle with a very hairy back side who walked on all fours.
How would I know?
Am i required to club a perspective mate over the head and drag her back to my cave.
I don't think anyone is "requiring" you to do this. You have a cave? That's pretty cool.
Would this be looked down upon???
Almost certainly.
Was Puff the name of Jackie Paper's magical dragon or some twisted mans percepton of smoking the weed.
I don't know. Puff probably wasn't a dragon that we could touch, but was rather something someone made up.
Please list any and all of your weird and twisted thoughts.
Maybe all good people go to Hell, and only child molesters go to Heaven. Ever considered that?