I hope you are not in this St Martin, otherwise your tan will have to come out of a bottle.......
St. Martin, MS Weather Forecast
4:30 PM CST MON JAN 17 2005
St. Martin, MS Current Weather Conditions
Gulfport, Gulfport-Biloxi Regional Airport, MS, United States (KGPT) 30-24-43N 089-04-51W 14M
Jan 18, 2005 - 02:53 AM EST / 2005.01.18 0753 UTC
Wind: from the N (010 degrees) at 7 MPH (6 KT):0
Visibility: 10 mile(s):0
Sky conditions: clear
Temperature: 32.0 F (0.0 C)
Windchill: 24 F (-4 C):1
Dew Point: 17.1 F (-8.3 C)
Relative Humidity: 53%
Pressure (altimeter): 30.62 in. Hg (1036 hPa)
Hey Phlabby, thanks for checking in! I was just thinking this morning that we didn't say goodbye to you and wish you well. 🙂 Hope you're having a great time!
Oh, and by the way, you forgot something...us tribemembers on our cold, rainy island! You were supposed to take us with you, remember?!? Sheesh.😛
Originally posted by ncrosbynorm, norm, norm! Did we leave you behind? WE are all on a cruise home. We are eating and drinking and carousing like mad! Shall we send a row boat back for you?
Hey Phlabby, thanks for checking in! I was just thinking this morning that we didn't say goodbye to you and wish you well. 🙂 Hope you're having a great time!
Oh, and by the way, you forgot something...us tribemembers on our cold, rainy island! You were supposed to take us with you, remember?!? Sheesh.😛
Originally posted by PhlabibitYou tart! No one cares that you are off having another honeymoon on a tropical island!
Wooooo! Having a great time so far!! What am I missing at RHP? What's new, who's new, what's changing... what is going on! Cost me about 3 bucks to make 20 bad chess moves... oh well!
Gots to go work on my tan, and have a beer. Please sign in and let me know what's going on!
P. S. Have fun! 😀
No Favs... not that St.Martin! It has been partly sunny and 85f here for days!
Yes, my island people... I'll need to start a thread I guess for the vote..... I can't even remember who's up on the block for council. When I get some time I'll read up and see where we stand so we can get rid of yet another tribe member.... so, update me on that topic!
Starting to get a little burn here, but nothing much. Hope to be all brown when I head back in about 11 or so days. I don't even know when I leave... and sure I won't want to!
Cya guys, off to cause more trouble here or there....