If I'm invited and am able to make the trip from Northern Russia (Yekaterinburg, to
be precise), there are twelve (12) things I'd very much like to do:
#1. Look into each of Phlab's closets in search for a chastity belt without lock;
#2. Embrace Phlab's neighbors and thell them I am his gay lover;
#3. Play naked Twister with the ladies and men individually;
#4. Shoot the vein while listening to the Sex Pistols;
#5. Uncork my long time kept bottle of bootleg Jack Daniels (made in Albania);
#6. Rave... like, big time rave, with pill popping and stuff;
#7. Listen to Phlab's farting as he mellows into a sad inebriation;
#8. Tape Duecer's newest dance steps and win Funniest Home Videos with the vid;
#9. Arm wrestle Sunburnt after caressing her chickens;
#10. Reveal to everybody that I actually do know how to play chess;
#11. Sleep over with HandyAndy's female dog and forget to call her the morning after;
#12. Do it in cyberspace, LAN party style.
Originally posted by SeitseThere are some things I reget not doing at Phlab's Summer House Party:
If I'm invited and am able to make the trip from Northern Russia (Yekaterinburg, to
be precise), there are twelve (12) things I'd very much like to do:
#1. Look into each of Phlab's closets in search for a chastity belt without lock;
#2. Embrace Phlab's neighbors and thell them I am his gay lover;
#3. Play naked Twister with the ladies and men indiv r;
#12. Do it in cyberspace, LAN party style.
#1. Searching the medicine cabinet to see what prescription pills he abuses.
#2. Rubbing on the holy grail (guitar).
#3. Checking out what sex toys are in his wife's drawers.
#4. Scoping the backyard for the graves of all his murder victims.
#5. Burning all his really ugly sweaters.
#6. Smoking some weed in a huge bong and passing out on top of the picnic tables.
#7. Getting Phlab to drink his 30th beer.
#8. Singing karoke to Phil's Genesis collection.
#9. Plotting to fake Phlab's death for big insurance payout and our new life in South America.
#10. Mud wrestling 😀.