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Phone number to subscribe?

Phone number to subscribe?


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I was in the process of filling out the subscription page and I saw that I had to put my phone number in to subscribe. What's up with that? I want to subscribe, but I most certainly do NOT want to throw my phone number out there. I already get enough stupid sales calls from machines, goofballs calling to see if I would be interested in taking a survey, or asking about my views on this or that question. I would like to subscribe. I'm a contributor at every site that I frequent, and feel like everyone should shoot the lock off of their purse/wallet and help the site owners keep the lights on, but there's no way that I'm giving out my phone number. Is there any way around this? Thanks bunches.🙂

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Originally posted by Djinc
I was in the process of filling out the subscription page and I saw that I had to put my phone number in to subscribe. What's up with that? I want to subscribe, but I most certainly do NOT want to throw my phone number out there. I already get enough stupid sales calls from machines, goofballs calling to see if I would be interested in taking a surv no way that I'm giving out my phone number. Is there any way around this? Thanks bunches.🙂
I think that if you check the box that says [] Female then Russ has a script that asks for phone number. Was there a box that asks [] Single too?

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Originally posted by Djinc
I was in the process of filling out the subscription page and I saw that I had to put my phone number in to subscribe. What's up with that? I want to subscribe, but I most certainly do NOT want to throw my phone number out there. I already get enough stupid sales calls from machines, goofballs calling to see if I would be interested in taking a surv ...[text shortened]... no way that I'm giving out my phone number. Is there any way around this? Thanks bunches.🙂
Put a bum fone number in - or Phlabibit's. 😀

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Originally posted by Dr Strangelove
Put a bum fone number in - or Phlabibit's. 😀
Or put Phlabs fone in your bum!

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I guess I need to get out there among the people a little more often. It never even crossed my mind to lie about the phone number.

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Originally posted by Djinc
I guess I need to get out there among the people a little more often. It never even crossed my mind to lie about the phone number.
I have been forced to do that somewhere where they required a mobile phone number, which I don't have. It didn't cause any problems.

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Success! 🙂 I am now a subscriber with possibly a new user name. I think I messed up and typed my name in the wrong place. Oh, well.🙂

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Apparantly, I'm ok on the user name thing. Cool.🙂


Welcome aboard, dink.

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Originally posted by Djinc
Apparantly, I'm ok on the user name thing. Cool.🙂
dont be playing on both accounts.
or you will be banned.
i suggest stop signing in with this one.

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I sign in with my email address, so I don't see how it could alternate between different user names. How long does it normally yake to have it show that I'm a subscriber so that I can upload an avatar and all of that stuff? ( Hope I didn't just pay someone else's subscription.)

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When I subscribed I think it occurred very quickly. Try deleting all your temp internet files (cookies etc.) and then logging back in.

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Originally posted by Djinc
I sign in with my email address, so I don't see how it could alternate between different user names. How long does it normally yake to have it show that I'm a subscriber so that I can upload an avatar and all of that stuff? ( Hope I didn't just pay someone else's subscription.)
If you pay by credit card, it's usually almost immediate. If you think you may have made a mistake with the name, it's probably best to send feedback to the site administrators (link at the bottom of the page). They usually respond quickly to subscription matters.

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Originally posted by Nordlys
If you pay by credit card, it's usually almost immediate. If you think you may have made a mistake with the name, it's probably best to send feedback to the site administrators (link at the bottom of the page). They usually respond quickly to subscription matters.
I did use a credit card. I just sent the feedback from the link in the email that I got from RHP confirming the subscription. Hopefully they can get it straightened out. As much as I like Veronicas, I don't really feel the need to bankroll any of them besides myself. Now I know why people would occassionally call me Moronica when I was in school. Chess, anyone? 🙂

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Originally posted by Djinc
I did use a credit card. I just sent the feedback from the link in the email that I got from RHP confirming the subscription. Hopefully they can get it straightened out. As much as I like Veronicas, I don't really feel the need to bankroll any of them besides myself. Now I know why people would occassionally call me Moronica when I was in school. Chess, anyone? 🙂
User 15535 😲

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