Originally posted by purclecowThe picture has to be on the Internet somewhere to be used. So if it is, just put the address where it asks for 'URL'. If not, ask Phlabibit. He hosts pictures sometimes.
I have a pic on my profile that i would like to use...but i don't know what to write for ULR or whatever it is asking for????help
Originally posted by purclecowWhat you need to do is upload your picture to the internet.
I have a pic on my profile that i would like to use...but i don't know what to write for ULR or whatever it is asking for????help
This is very easy. Goto:
This is a free upload site. You just become a (spam-free) free member and it explains how to make an online-photo album and how to upload an image (or picture) from your computer to the web.
If you go to: http://img30.photobucket.com/albums/v90/shavixmir/
You'll see that I've uploaded three whole albums of pictures, and that my avatar (or small picture) I use is there as well.
When you go to the Red Hot Pawn picture link, all you have to do is copy and paste the link to the picture you want to use. You do this by going to the photobucket album you've created. Right-click the picture you want to use, click on information and copy and paste the URL.
The URL of my picture, for example is: http://img30.photobucket.com/albums/v90/shavixmir/
If you go to my profile and right-click the picture. The URL will be exactly the same.
Originally posted by shavixmirDon't forget to specify the actual filename as well...
The URL of my picture, for example is: http://img30.photobucket.com/albums/v90/shavixmir/
If you go to my profile and right-click the picture. The URL will be exactly the same.
Originally posted by CrowleyAbsolutely right!
Don't forget to specify the actual filename as well...
The title is so long I forget to copy the second line!!! (and I can't go back and edit it for some reason).