Originally posted by elvendreamgirlI enjoy originality.
Why would you post something like that? And damn me for my morbid curiosity. That is just terrible. WHy would you want to share that with people?
This was an excerpt from a commercial that was choreographed perfectly. I apologize if it had offended you (the ad was taken off the air after many complaints-such as yours).
But I guess in this day & age, we have been exposed to so much viloence and other disturbing visuals, that I may have over estimated my judgement.
Not everybody wishes to see this kind of stuff, but unfortunately for you, I am not one of them. And like I said, I do apologize for this. If ever (which I hightly doubt) I post any such thing, I will post it with a GRAPHIC WARNING-NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART.
But you have to admit, for a fake, it is visually stunning & this is why I wanted to share it ...
My apologies,
Originally posted by elvendreamgirlNow come to think about it ... You kinda sounded like my grandmother did, rest her soul ...
Why would you post something like that? And damn me for my morbid curiosity. That is just terrible. WHy would you want to share that with people?
I'm not to sure which rock you've been hiding under, but I've seen things on TLC (The Learning Channel) a whole lot worse than that ...
Anyway ...
I appreciate the apology, danny. For my part, I get very angry with myself for looking at things like that. I did think it was perhaps going to be something funny. It makes me angry with myself because I am easily tempted to look at bad things.
If someone posts "Don't look at this. It is terrible", I am the first one to go to the site. Silly human nature, I suppose.
But, I don't undersatand why people are eager to have other people look at bad stuff. I am not accusing here; I do it myself.
Originally posted by elvendreamgirlNo, you are right ... I should have warned the viewer beforehand ... It is just in my stubborn nature to overlook such details ...
I appreciate the apology, danny. For my part, I get very angry with myself for looking at things like that. I did think it was perhaps going to be something funny. It makes me angry with myself because I am easily tempted to look at bad things.
If someone posts "Don't look at this. It is terrible", I am the first one to go to the site. Silly huma ...[text shortened]... eople are eager to have other people look at bad stuff. I am not accusing here; I do it myself.
I believe that it is the inner-child in me that seeks out this sort of disturbed adventure, to view, what some might consider offensive or down right disgusting ... My wife reminds me of this often .. Example, when I got home (from work) I basically told her to drop everything that she was doing in order to watch this scene ... She didn't really appreciate it ...
Don't get me wrong, I'm not in to anything illegal, but, lets just say that when I see a "Parental Advisory" or anything like that, my curiousity gets highly peeked ...
Originally posted by dannypitanyThanks for passing this along. I do not make judgements on the "messenger". (Although we know it's a commercial).
Following is the link (I will probably be banned from the forums), but I am sure that SirUlrich will not be disappointed ...
Anyway ...
Originally posted by geniusI wondered the same myself so I had a look. There was no obvious reason so I've put it back.
why was edg's post moded?
Maybe it was modded because edg alerted her own post which usually means that the poster wants it removed, and the acompanying message could be read to mean that. Or maybe it was a slip of the finger. Whatever, no harm done I think.