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28 Oct 05
21 Jul 16
1 edit

I was on a panel of judges for a national essay writing competition recently. I uncovered several instances of plagiarism ~ not particularly difficult when the plagiarism is clumsy and blatant.

The competitors were disqualified and their continuing status as university students was put under review as they had been officially representing their institutions.

They were not able to make this all go away by

[1] claiming that the accusation was "absurd" and merely manufactured by the judges,

[2] by claiming that the long almost word-for-word passages were simply everyday turns of phrase and common usage containing no novel ideas and that entire paragraphs being virtually exactly the same was just a coincidence, and

[3] by claiming that the whole thing was made up by Hillary Clinton because she feels jealous and threatened.

These ludicrous excuses, of course, cut no ice. The students found themselves in hot water.

I'm interested in what the General Forum crowd think about this.

Should famous figures involved in campaigns for high office be held to a higher standard than 19 year old Indonesian undergraduates? 🙂

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
21 Jul 16

Originally posted by FMF
Should famous figures involved in campaigns for high office be held to a higher standard than 19 year old Indonesian undergraduates? 🙂
No. Set the standard. Anyone and everyone either meets it, beats it or gets beaten by it.


28 Oct 05
21 Jul 16
1 edit

Originally posted by josephw
No. Set the standard. Anyone and everyone either meets it, beats it or gets beaten by it.
European politicians are forced to resign. Academics get black-listed. Students get expelled. In the world of business people can go to gaol. What would you suggest should happen to Mr Trump's wife?

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
21 Jul 16

Originally posted by FMF
European politicians are forced to resign. Academics get black-listed. Students get expelled. In the world of business people can go to gaol. What would you suggest should happen to Mr Trump's wife?
That's a good question. She's probably wondering who's going to be Trumps next wife for all I know.

I'm not familiar with Trumps wife, so I don't know what she did or whether anything can be done about it.


28 Oct 05
21 Jul 16

Originally posted by josephw
I'm not familiar with Trumps wife, so I don't know what she did or whether anything can be done about it.
The essence of what happened is found in [1], [2] and [3] in the OP.

Fast and Curious

slatington, pa, usa

28 Dec 04
21 Jul 16

Originally posted by FMF
The essence of what happened is found in [1], [2] and [3] in the OP.
The essence of what happened is Trump's response: "Look at all the free press we got. I love it".


28 Oct 05
21 Jul 16
1 edit

Originally posted by sonhouse
The essence of what happened is Trump's response: "Look at all the free press we got. I love it".
One of his spokesmen, according to one report I heard, claimed the plagiarism story was made up by Hillary Clinton.

14 Mar 04
21 Jul 16

Originally posted by FMF
One of his spokesmen, according to one report I heard, claimed the plagiarism story was made up by Hillary Clinton.
Ah the "Spin Doctors" eh? I love watching/following the goings on of American Politics and mostly the presidential races. I do so for two basic reasons, firstly the impact the results will have on us (the rest of the world) and secondly for the "comedic" value. I do have to say though that two years of preparations for a one day vote is waaaaaay beyond sane.

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
21 Jul 16

Originally posted by Great Big Stees
Ah the "Spin Doctors" eh? I love watching/following the goings on of American Politics and mostly the presidential races. I do so for two basic reasons, firstly the impact the results will have on us (the rest of the world) and secondly for the "comedic" value. I do have to say though that two years of preparations for a one day vote is waaaaaay beyond sane.
Spin doctors indeed. Who's lying and who's not? They're all lying. In fact everyone's lying. When the show's over the drama continues.


Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
21 Jul 16
1 edit

Originally posted by FMF
I was on a panel of judges for a national essay writing competition recently. I uncovered several instances of plagiarism ~ not particularly difficult when the plagiarism is clumsy and blatant.

The competitors were disqualified and their continuing status as university students was put under review as they had been officially representing their institutions. ...[text shortened]... igns for high office be held to a higher standard than 19 year old Indonesian undergraduates? 🙂
Just curious, eh?
Were you 'just curious' when the Democrats were the plagiarizers?

"I'm not just asking you to take a chance on me.
I'm also asking you to take a chance on (really emphasize on the next two) your OWN aspirations!"

-Barack "Teleprompter Elocutionist Extraordinaire" Hussein O'Bama
[and a year before him, Deval Patrick, nearly word for word]

A fun title

Scoffer Mocker

27 Sep 06
21 Jul 16

Originally posted by FMF
The essence of what happened is found in [1], [2] and [3] in the OP.
Is that really what happened, or is that just what some want us to believe? Besides, what can be done about it? Those folks are so far above the law they'll never be held accountable. Look at Hillary for example. Talk about the disparity in the legal system! Blacks comprise a disproportionate number of inmates in the penal system, but few lawmakers ever go to jail. It's revolution time.


28 Oct 05
21 Jul 16

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
Just curious, eh?
Were you 'just curious' when the Democrats were the plagiarizers?

"I'm not just asking you to take a chance on me.
I'm also asking you to take a chance on (really emphasize on the next two) your OWN aspirations!"

-Barack "Teleprompter Elocutionist Extraordinaire" Hussein O'Bama
[and a year before him, Deval Patrick, nearly word for word]
Yes, I'm just curious when public figures do it in the course of their cheesy retail politics activities, but it's more than just a curiosity when academics and students do it.


Unknown Territories

05 Dec 05
21 Jul 16

Originally posted by FMF
Yes, I'm just curious when public figures do it in the course of their cheesy retail politics activities, but it's more than just a curiosity when academics and students do it.
While most politicians are playing checkers, Trump has been playing chess.
This was a purposeful and expertly executed power move.
Only the childish fail to see it until the whole thing unfolds in living color.


28 Oct 05
21 Jul 16

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
While most politicians are playing checkers, Trump has been playing chess.
This was a purposeful and expertly executed power move.
Only the childish fail to see it until the whole thing unfolds in living color.
Well I don't know about you, but I condemn all plagiarism regardless of what motivates it. The students disqualified from the essay writing competition I was involved in probably all had their own 'good' personal reasons for doing what they did too.

Read a book!

23 Sep 06
22 Jul 16

Originally posted by FreakyKBH
While most politicians are playing checkers, Trump has been playing chess.
This was a purposeful and expertly executed power move.
Only the childish fail to see it until the whole thing unfolds in living color.
Publicity stunt...
Integrity is fine for ordinary folks, but it doesn't always get you on Page 1.
Lifting the lines from Michelle Obama makes it even sweeter.