Can't answer you question Dave but it did spark a thought. Seems to
me it would be useful to have a top-level topic where players (or
friends of players as the case might be) could post an "away"
message for those who will be effectively 'away from the board' for a
while (vacation, illness, lost my ISP, whatever). I think most people
would be wiling to check that kind of area for easy to find postings
before invoking a timeout. The other solution would be to make a
software change as a characteristic of a player where could tag
themselves as 'away' but that would be more work and causes a whole
other set of computational and policy complications.
That is actually a great idea...I don't T.O. on someone unless they
are moving in other games and not ours or they haven't been very
nice in messages or something like that.
I will send a message over to Russ and see if something like that
can't be done...although he has done so much already to continue
and improve the site.
Captain USA
Thanks but I must admit I have seen similar things for other sites so
this is not a unique idea - your query simply connected it in my mind
for use here. 🙂
I set a similar policy early. No message, nothing in their profile, not
moving anywhere or moving in other games recently, and no forum
comments (if I can catch them). Then I usually wait two more days
before dropping the TO hammer.
BTW, I always knew you wanted to be ... Captain USA!