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Players pets?


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Does anyone have any intersting pets. I have two corn snakes and a tarantula. My snakes are called Seriphos (striped amel corn) and Bailey (motled aner corn) and the Tarantula is called Monster (adult female Chilean Rose).

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I have a cat, check my profile to see her 🙂 - Not as ‘interesting’ as yours, but I still thought I'd post 😉

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I have a cat, too. He's somewhat interesting, in that he has only one eye. He's a former stray and I have no idea what happened to his eye. He's missing a tooth on the same side of his head, so I believe he suffered some sort of violence.
The most interesting pets I ever had were ferrets. I've had a total of five.

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I have had:
5 Tarantulas
4 Leopard Geckos
3 Giant Leaf Insects
3 Land Hermit Crabs
3 Cats
2 Dogs
2 Snakes

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i have 2 cats...i love cats. 1 is called Ashcroft and the other is Tom who just happens to be gay. I swear it. Has anyone else got any homosexual pets 😀

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I have a cactus named Morris. He's not very intelligent and training has been a complete waste of time. But boy is he cheap to feed!!
Doesn't mind being left alone for a couple of weeks either when I'm on holiday. 🙂

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I've had three ducks, one died a few weeks after I bought it.
I've had tropical fish, really beaufiful ..... 🙂

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I own "Miss April" .😕😏 Oh... "Pet"... thought you said "Playmate". Sorry.😳

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I've got a cat also, "Edward Kitten Paws". I found him all scuffed up at the end of my driveway... I figure he was hit by a car since the scuffing was on his back. He was all passed out but still alive so I put him on the floor of my car.

As I drove him to the vet's I was listening to Local H's "Eddy Vedder". I started twisting the lyrics and found my self singing, "Would you think that I was $h|+in', if I said he's Eddy Kitten".

Next I was thinking about Edward Scissor Hands, and decided the cat would be "Edward Kitten Paws".

That was perhaps 4 years ago. Now the cat lives up to his name, my girl and I both have scars from this cat! I've got a fresh one on my left had. He's a scraper, and plays rough. He's no lap cat, but can be loving. Once his tail starts to whip around it is time to leave the cat alone, or pay in blood!

Cool cat, wouldn't trade him for anything!

(See Profile)


I wonder where all the dog people are? I used to prefer dogs, but a cat is fine to leave home all day... self entertaining.

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I have 2 cats right now-a big,lovable dope of a male tuxedo I call Catzilla('cause he's always knocking things over!),and a little spitfire of a blond tabby named Delilah,who I got from the shelter after she was rescued from an abusive owner. I've had 5 cats over the years,and remember each for their individual personalities,and for the unconditional love they gave. I love all animals,but cats will always be my #1's.🙂

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I've got a lovely dog called Ammi (was to be called Amadeus but ended up with female instead of male). She is a heinz 57 breed and she enjoys relationships with cushions.
I also have a pet dragon, who makes me loads of cups of coffee. Well actually its my significant other but the similarities to a dragon are frightening.


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Pluto. He's a cat named after the one in the Poe story as he is totally black and very large.

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Originally posted by royalchicken
Pluto. He's a cat named after the one in the Poe story as he is totally black and very large.
I used to have a rock,Edgar :'(🙁

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Originally posted by eyeqpc
I've got a lovely dog called Ammi (was to be called Amadeus but ended up with female instead of male). She is a heinz 57 breed and she enjoys relationships with cushions.
I also have a pet dragon, who makes me loads of cups of coffee. Well ...[text shortened]... other but the similarities to a dragon are frightening.

I used to have a cat, Amadio, but I told people that couldn't pronounce that that it was Armand. I just thought this was a close name to your dog though mine was a he. 😀

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I have two girl cats named Audrey and Lina ... I got them from the shelter as a 15 and 16 year old odd couple. I am giving them a nice home for their remaining years ... and boy do they like it ... their entire day consists of: sleep ... eat ... sleep ... sleep some more ... eat ... cuddle up on my keyboard ... sleep ... sleep ... conviscate my bedpillows ... sleep ... eat ...

I love them!!!😏

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