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please help bring chaos to a small school in scotl

please help bring chaos to a small school in scotl


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it's my last day a week on wednesday of school. ever. traditionally, this is a day of chaos. this chaos is cause by thos innocent looking 1st years. or us. the 6th years, depending on how gullable you are 😕

so-any ideas?

some that've gone down in legend are the picking up of a teachers car and placing it in the assembly hall, and last year someone screwed up the pease takes (if a teachers absent, antoehr treacher is asked to please take their class. these are slips of paper and are sent round by us mature 6th years) they did this in such away that anything up to 12 teachers turned up trying to take a class at a time 😕 which was fun...

so-any ideas?

and the capital p on my keyboard doesn't work...the small one does though...

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