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Please stop making threads

Please stop making threads


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with titles that only contain part of your main idea. A title is intended to quickly give readers an idea of what your thread is about. It is not supposed to be the first half of the first sentence of your post. Such titles are misleading and do not achieve what every title-writer should set out to do. Shame on you.

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Originally posted by ark13
with titles that only contain part of your main idea. A title is intended to quickly give readers an idea of what your thread is about. It is not supposed to be the first half of the first sentence of your post. Such titles are misleading and do not achieve what every title-writer should set out to do. Shame on you.
suck it up, and deal with it. THe reason some of us do this is to lure readers and potential posters.

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Originally posted by ark13
with titles that only contain part of your main idea. A title is intended to quickly give readers an idea of what your thread is about. It is not supposed to be the first half of the first sentence of your post. Such titles are misleading and do not achieve what every title-writer should set out to do. Shame on you.
Hypocrite. 😛

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Originally posted by Bad wolf
Hypocrite. 😛
Says the guy who helps forum thug a kid for spamming 😛

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Originally posted by Dance Master MC
suck it up, and deal with it. THe reason some of us do this is to lure readers and potential posters.
A good title should be like a beautiful woman in a beautiful dress. It provokes interest, and makes you want to see more, while giving you a hint of what is to come. A beautifully crafted title, like a beautiful woman, needs to gimmicks, no hooks; she is what she is.

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Originally posted by ark13
A good title should be like a beautiful woman in a beautiful dress. It provokes interest, and makes you want to see more, while giving you a hint of what is to come. A beautifully crafted title, like a beautiful woman, needs to gimmicks, no hooks; she is what she is.
You're getting me all hot over here 😛

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Originally posted by huckleberryhound
You're getting me all hot over here 😛
thats sad....

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Originally posted by huckleberryhound
You're getting me all hot over here 😛

2 edits
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Originally posted by Nordlys
I found a video with you in it

edit...welcome back 🙂

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Originally posted by huckleberryhound
I found a video with you in it

edit...welcome back 🙂

Ugh... That's mean... Here are some videos with me in it: http://www.zeitrafferfilme.de/

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Originally posted by Nordlys
Ugh... That's mean... Here are some videos with me in it: http://www.zeitrafferfilme.de/
I cant see it, i'm at work, but i will watch when i get home...why mean :'(

Hope your holiday is going well 🙂

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Originally posted by huckleberryhound
why mean :'(
Because she's playing quite badly.

My holidays have been very nice. I am back now (as you can see) and trying to catch up with my moves.

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Originally posted by Nordlys
Because she's playing quite badly.

My holidays have been very nice. I am back now (as you can see) and trying to catch up with my moves.
She's pretty though 😛

Did you go to the museum of torture ?

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Originally posted by huckleberryhound
She's pretty though 😛

Did you go to the museum of torture ?
Not in my eyes...

No, I didn't. I saw a torture chamber at the castle and didn't feel any inclination to see more. There are so many more interesting and pleasant things to see in Prague.

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A fitting title is like the aroma of a finely seasoned wine.

I'm considering forming a title club, which will meet weekly and discuss titles of distinction, sip wine, and dabble in other topics of interest to our club members. Is anyone interested?

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