18 Nov 22
-Removed-Hmm, can't think of a good one to mention at the moment, but I do appreciate reading these cultural notes from across the wild and stormy sea.
From over here in the Increasingly Lost Colonies I did notice while growing up that often the titles and book-covers of science-fiction novels would be changed between there and here and the other way around, to suit the local taste (or to correspond with whatever locally cultivated sockets of entrainment).
And I was in my 50s before I even heard of David Berglas, who (I gather) was a rather prominent magician over there!
So, to clarify the intent of the thread, should it be about songs that also have some story to go with them that does not involve the poster?
@very-rusty saidButchers use knives.
I play the spoons, but don't tell the butcher! 🙂
@the-gravedigger saidReally? Thanks, for that invaluable information t-g. 🙂 😛
Butchers use knives.
23 Nov 22
@the-gravedigger saidNot for playing the guitar. Knives are hard on strings.
Butchers use knives.