In Rome there's a wee chapel of sorts which was created by Monks.
Everything in the wee chapel is made of human bones.
The alter, the chandeliers, everything!
There are various little rooms. Each one with princesses or Monks. All dead, just bones with robes on.
When you walk down the little pathway looking into the various rooms it's quite eerie. The candle holders are made of thigh bones, the decorations are skulls. Things like that.
In the last of the little rooms there's a coffin with the lid open. Obviously a skelleton lies within. Skelletons of monks with dark brown robes stand beside the coffin bending over and there's a wee sign by it (in Latin, I presume), but it translates as such:
"As you are now, we once were,
And as we are now, you once shall be."
Nothing pornographic about it, but an epitaph all the same.
Just thought I'd share 🙂
Originally posted by buffalobillIt's actually in Poland.
Isn't it in Austria or somewhere else in Eastern Europe? Not Italy (I think).
Or, I should say there is one in Poland. I never heard or read about one before or while I was visiting in Rome. If there is one I sure wish I had, that sounds awesome...