Why the hell does my phone cord always get twisted up at work?
Wherever I sit, whichever phone I use, my phone cord becomes twisted up after about three days.
My colleagues don't have this problem. I don't use my phone more than they do. I don't sit there twiddling with it or twisting it. I don't stand up and turn around three times whenever I'm on the phone.
So why oh why does it keep happening? Possession is the only explanation I can come up with. ðŸ˜
Originally posted by zeeblebotI know its the cow orkers, they sneak in during quite times and
put a hidden camera over your cubicle, and see if your coworkers are doing it in your absence ... or the cleaning ladies ...
command the wires to spin. Wires have their own algorithm, let
thyself twist in strange and unimaginable complex ways. But as in
the quantum world if one observes this happening it is forced into
a known state. Only when it is not being watched or measured does
the shape shifting begin. This shall be known as the Einstein Jennings
string theory.
Originally posted by PBE6Wow, you know about the great Turd ucken of '97 eh.
Those damn cow 'orkers. I haven't seen bacon pumped into a side of beef like that since the great turducken of '97.
Didn't run into many people who knew, thought it was kept out
of the media...
My turducken experiment was a total failure, couldn't get the dam
grease hot enough, ended up overcooking the thing and almost
set the porch on fire, had it on the driveway first but the tiny bit
of wind kept putting out the flame, then put it on the porch and
had to build up this wind barrier to keep it lit, then at one point
it boiled over, almost pissed in my pants, thought the house was gone
but it didn't ignite. The next day my teenagers were farting around
on the porch and guess what, they tipped over the big can, ten gallons
of slightly used peanut oil all over the porch, took the paint off, seeps
into the wood. General disaster. Screw turduckens....
Originally posted by kw72ukIt happens when you switch left to right to left ear... I get it too. Unplug the cord, let it hang, plug it back in... you are good for 3 days.
Why the hell does my phone cord always get twisted up at work?
Wherever I sit, whichever phone I use, my phone cord becomes twisted up after about three days.
My colleagues don't have this problem. I don't use my phone more than they do. I don't sit there twiddling with it or twisting it. I don't stand up and turn around three times whenever I ...[text shortened]... tion I can come up with. ðŸ˜
Originally posted by kw72ukHave you ever though of converting to a cordless phone?
Why the hell does my phone cord always get twisted up at work?
Wherever I sit, whichever phone I use, my phone cord becomes twisted up after about three days.
My colleagues don't have this problem. I don't use my phone more than they do. I don't sit there twiddling with it or twisting it. I don't stand up and turn around three times whenever I ...[text shortened]... tion I can come up with. ðŸ˜
Originally posted by PhlabibitIt can't be! I always use my right ear - it works better.
It happens when you switch left to right to left ear... I get it too. Unplug the cord, let it hang, plug it back in... you are good for 3 days.
Perhaps I pick up the phone with my left hand then switch to my right......no that can't be it - the left hand holds my permanent sandwich.
Hmmmmmm. 🙄
Originally posted by kw72ukI'm not sure where to find one, but they have a plug for the hand held portion that spins... and the cord plugs back into that. Might be worth looking for one at Staples, Best Buy... Radio Shack?
It can't be! I always use my right ear - it works better.
Perhaps I pick up the phone with my left hand then switch to my right......no that can't be it - the left hand holds my permanent sandwich.
Hmmmmmm. 🙄
Originally posted by kw72ukStop dancin' around while on the phone; go to the bathroom first.
It can't be! I always use my right ear - it works better.
Perhaps I pick up the phone with my left hand then switch to my right......no that can't be it - the left hand holds my permanent sandwich.
Hmmmmmm. 🙄
Originally posted by PhlabibitWow - modern technology eh? I may just have to investigate that one!
I'm not sure where to find one, but they have a plug for the hand held portion that spins... and the cord plugs back into that. Might be worth looking for one at Staples, Best Buy... Radio Shack?
Thanks Phlab 🙂